Jeyaraney Kathirithamby- Corioxenos
- Loania canadensis
- Mafagaa talhouki
- Malayaxenos
- Blissoxenos esaki
- Viridipromontoxius vanharteni
- Australoxenos yetmaniensis
- Floridoxenos monroensis
- Uniclavus zambezensis
- Proceroxenos jordanicus
- Triozocera
- Dundoxenos
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Kifune, T. & Hirashima, Y. 1979. Two new species of Strepsiptera from Thailand (Notulae Strepsipterologicae). Esakia 14: 61-71.
Kifune, T. & Machita, Y. 1994. A new locality of Triozocera macroscyti Esaki et Miyamoto (Strepsiptera, Corioxenidae) in Tohoku District, Japan. Japan Journal of Entomology 62: 692.
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Luna de Carvalho, E. 1956. Primeira contribuição para o estudo dos Estresípteros angolensis (Insecta Strespiptera) Publicações Culturalis Companhia de Diamantes de Angola 29: 11-54.
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Jeyaraney Kathirithamby
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
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- First online 07 June 2006
- Content changed 07 June 2006
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Kathirithamby, Jeyaraney. 2006. Corioxenidae. Version 07 June 2006 (temporary). in The Tree of Life Web Project,